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HOLY BIBLE Feminine Translation Version
Expanded Edition II, Published August 2024
Paperback 6 x 9 x 1-5/8 printed Bible
ISBN 978-0-9796263-8-8

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Digital Bible, ISBN 978-0-9796263-8-8
The Holy Bible – Feminine Translation Version  PDF  $14.00

EPUB  $14.00
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This is a working PDF that functions like the digital EPUBs. A table of contents provides working links to all books and chapters in the Bible. Behind the Bible text are 77 Jesus’ witness Ciphers that are accessible from the front-page Table of Contents.  Each cipher title is imbedded in the Bible text so a reader can link to the cipher and return, link to the Bible text from the cipher and return.

Doctrine of the Cross, ISBN 978-0-9796263-8-8
“Take of the Tree of Life, and Eat, and Live Forever”
Paperback, 396 pages, 6 x 9 x 1/2, Pub Oct 2017

$40 + 3.50 shipping US
SEE JW’s video Doctrine of the Cross

Description: For 6000 human years only half of the Bible has been available to humans. Science has proven that humans learn by both seeing and hearing. Although the text of the Bible can be heard when read, unfortunately there are no pictures in the Bible to help explain the text….until now. What the Bible really says is spoken though the image of the cross so that a human can both SEE and hear the Word of God. After you see scripture on the cross 7 times, and then 25 times, and then 50 times, and then 250 times you will realize. When you realize what has been visible for 2000 years, that Jesus tried to tell us, then you will SEE what Jesus tried to show us on the cross. This book is not for everyone. Find out whether the Doctrine of the Cross is right for you by answering 14 picture-questions: CAN YOU SEE THE CROSS?


Daniel’s Secret, ISBN 978-0-9796263-6-4
“The Shocking Secret of the Bible’s Creation”
204 pages, 6 x 9 x 1/2, Published Dec 2012

Paperback $25 + 3.50 shipping US
Digital PDF $14.00
Daniel’s Secret
is a dialog between a pious and sincere Christian and an unusual Biblical scholar.  It challenges today’s orthodoxy.  In a fast paced, yet profound, manner the book explains a path to God that does not conform to the traditional belief system, by going back to the Bible’s beginning for a more complete understanding of theological truths. Eighteen chapters of dialog between a doubting Thomas and an inspired Daniel Veritas progressively layer the brutal reality of the Bible’s literal Word empowered by the Creation’s foundational reason and numbers. Revealed is the Face of God numbered 77 who leads to the 4-way Cross of YHWH, the same God who Jesus knew.


The Genesis 1 Window SBN 978-0-9796263-1-9
“Reveals the Hidden Mathematics of the Bible”
Paperback, 410 pages, 6 x 9 x ,1 Pub Oct 2008

$40 + 3.50 shipping US
Though the lens of the Genesis I Window the mathematics of the entire Bible is revealed. The numbers reveal the Mark of the Beast, the numerical genealogies of Jesus, the numerical fulfillment of Jesus, the true meaning of the Jewish holy days, the divine doctrine of 25, and even the meaning of the ages of the Patriarchs. More


The Creation of Man, ISBN 978-0-9796263-2-6
“A Dialog for Creationists, Skeptics, and Other Truth Seekers”
160 pages, 6 x 9 x 3/8, Published July 2010
Video Face of God

Paperback $25 + 3.50 shipping US
The Creation of Man challenges both Bible skeptics and religious Creationists to think critically. It develops a new understanding of the six-day count in Genesis I that reveals the logical image of man as the true foundation of the Bible. Here at last is the interpretation of the Creation that works to reveal the purpose of man and God’s numbers. Creation of Man

The RC666 Bible Code, ISBN 978-0-9796263-0-2
“A Hidden Code Reveals the Holy Grail of Truth”
460 pages, 8-1/2 x 11 x 1, Pub May 2007
Paperback $40 + 5.0 shipping US
The RC666 Bible Code reveals a divinely ordered mathematical discipline that consistently underlies all Scripture in the Bible, and governs the behavior of man, just as the Newtonian laws of physics govern the behavior of matter, motion, space and time. The code brings together the numbers in the Bible to proclaim the validity of the Word of God.
666 Mark of the Beast


A Musical Parable: The Life of Jesus Christ

$14 + 2 Shipping
1.  Forboding Times 3:09 Reggae listen
2.  AgentX  3:29 Rock / Jazz  listen
3.  Rotundo Encounter 2:24 Space music
4.  Desert Cannon 4:14 Classical
5.  Solo on the Mount 3:35 Jazz sax
6.  Pupil’s Descant 3:33 Guitar
7.  Healed – Jazz piano 3:15 listen
8.  Heartbeat Communion 3:21 Space music
9.  Decision in the Garden 4:31 Flute listen
10. Trial for Life 6:11 Piano jazz and space music
11. What Have We Done 3:08 Space music
12. Camarrow’s Revenge 2:14 Jazz rock
13. Elevation to Krom 2:48 Space music
14. Ascension Celebration 2:52 Contemporary
15. Redeemed 3:45 Space music
16. Agent Fanfare3:13 Horns space music listen
17. Spiritland Rhapsody2:36 Reverse reggae listen
AgentX–An Alien Story of Change


HOLY BIBLE Feminine Translation Version
Edition I, Published April 2021
Paperback 6 x 9 x 2 printed Bible
ISBN 978-0-9796263-4-0
Black $20 + $7.00 shipping US
Pink $20 + $7.00 shipping US
Black $20 + $55.00 ship non-US
Pink $20 + $55.00 ship non-US
The earlier Edition I of the HOLY BIBLE Feminine Translation Version is now available at 50% discount. Although the OT and NT Bible text is the same, each of 77 Jesus’ Witness Ciphers does not contain interpretation commentary as does the Expanded Edition II does. Nor does it contain an expanded explanatory front matter Study Section.