Explanation of Jesus’ Witness Cipher Features
Behold the story of the Cross from the foundation. Take a complete tour of the Bible through both Old and New testaments. Start from “The Beginning.” In the first cipher read the seven ordered logic-of-God questions. See how they follow the order of the verse numbers, and how they are answered by seven Spirits of God. Actual Scripture is in italics. Sometimes words in scripture are underlined to help identify a key word that helps to answer the question. Check the Bible and read Scripture to verify the Scripture in the cipher. To do this turn to the scripture page number beneath the picture in the cipher page. To bypass the tour list and sequentially read the 77 ciphers simply turn to the next page in back of your Bible.
Note: Before reading Jesus’ Witness Cipher (JW’s Cipher) the first time it is beneficial to have knowledge of “Divine Equivocation” that describes a heavenly principle with an earthly example. There is a brief three-page overview in the back of this Bible on Page 1263.
For each cipher there is a cross, or several crosses, under the ordered series of seven questions answered by seven Spirits of God. By design most of these pictures do not have a descriptive title except for the Scripture verse that each cross illustrates. Opinionated titles are not used. This not only challenges the reader to think about how each step on the cross is related to the verse, but glorifies Scripture by illustrating it so that the reader can SEE the image of Scripture. Many times in the Bible, Scripture demands that one must both SEE and hear in order to both perceive and understand. (Isaiah 6:9-10, Mat 13:10-14, Mark 4:12, Acts 28:26-27)
The cipher pictures of the cross are not juxtaposed into the text of the bible. However, if one is just reading the Bible text and sees a reference in parenthesis like this (C# cipher name, Page number), it is an indication that there is a cipher that illustrates that Bible text. Turning to the page will take you to the cipher page to see the cipher’s picture. You can then return to the same place in the Bible to continue reading by turning back to the Bible text.
Holy Numbers
A word should be said here about the numbers that appear in many of the 77 ciphers. For 6000 years the God-breathed numbers in the Bible have been mostly ignored, probably because they were not understood. For example the number 77 appears in the Creation when evening and morning are counted on the seventh day. When both are counted by summation on the previous sixth day, the total for each is 21, but together they are the 42 generations (14 14 14) of the Son of Man (Jesus) distilled to (77 77 77).Cipher#2 The same number of Jesus (14 14 14) begins the New Testament with the Son of Man generations in his natural genealogy. The number 77 77 77 77 is the complete generations of Jesus that appear on a cross.Cipher#31 The same number appears on a cross as the generations of Noah,Cipher#4 and the generations of Abraham,Cipher#6b and the generations of Joseph.Cipher#8 The same number appears on a cross for most of all the rituals required by YHWH for the Israel nation to do. For example the continuous ritual required every day forever with a lamb sacrifice at morning and evening is 77 77 77 77. Cipher#19 These are numbered signs for the Lamb of God that the Hebrews said they required, but apparently were never able to see.
Another important biblical number is 25. It is generated in the Creation when the seventh day number 7 is added to the sixth day count (6+6+6) for evening morning and day. It continues with Abram’s Promise 25 Cross,Cipher#5 continues to the New Covenant with Jesus numbered 25, followed by the doubled 25 witness of the Son of Man and Son of God, that together prophesy the Day of Pentecost. It ends with the Sinner’s Prayer salvation number 25.
The 77 77 77 77 numbered Cross appears 12 times in the Old Testament and twice in the New Testament (12+2=14). Israel can validate with numbers her increased tribes 12+2=14.Cipher#8 Written in 1 Cor 1:22 is Seeing that Jews ask for signs, and Greeks seek after wisdom. These numbered crosses are signs that decipher the intricate rituals that Israel has been performing for thousands of years. These numbered crosses include and point with divine perfection to the numbered genealogy of Jesus Christ on the Cross that begins the New Testament. There is an introductory resource for understanding biblical numbers “Divine Equivocation” on Page 1263.
The Feminine Side of God
Imagine in the Old Testament the feminine Holy Spirit of God describing Herself through the Cross as the source of wisdom using JW’s Cipher. Cipher#12 Later in the New Testament the power of the Holy Spirit Comforter is revealed when She comes to convict the world.Cipher#46
The feminine side of God is revealed again when the Apostle Paul describes the fullness of God named like every family in heaven and earth.Cipher#62 For every family on earth to be functional, and be able to produce new life with new families, there must be mothers and daughters as well as fathers and sons. The resulting image of God’s family on earth and in heaven is dimensioned four-ways by Paul, like a cross, like YHWH.
Not every cipher picture will be clearly understood, because they are only illustrations that do not include great detail by design. Some that are obvious will be understood the first time a complete tour is made. The second time more items will appear as the mind’s eye opens to the consistency of the cipher. Some may never be seen as one may not yet have the power of the Light of the feminine Holy Spirit. Some items may not need to be seen. A Hebrew may not be interested in the New Testament. A Trinitarian may not want to understand YHWH’s intricate rituals on the Cross required by Israel. However, there is a resource, where most of the items are explained in detail: “Doctrine of the Cross.” Ref 07
“Behold” is a word that we do not use very much in our everyday English language. To many behold probably seems like an archaic word to be used only in the Bible. A search in Biblegateway.com shows that behold appears in older Bible translations, but not as much in modern translations. The number of times behold is written in several popular Bibles are listed as follows: (old) KJV 1,298, ASV 1,322, (modern)NKJV 586, NRSV 27, NIV 1, The Message 0, and this FTV Bible 1,410.
The Miriam Webster Dictionary defines “behold” as a transitive verb: “to perceive through sight or apprehension : SEE, or to gaze upon: OBSERVE.”
As an intransitive verb: “it is used in the imperative especially to call attention.”
The third time behold is written in this Bible is in Genesis 3:22, when God spoke behold to show Adam and Eve the “Cross of Knowledge” and the “Cross of the Tree of Life.” Cipher 3 Behold continues to be written in this Bible 1,407 more times in order to capture the readers attention to focus on the pattern in Scripture that forms the image of the Cross. Behold is a treasured keyword from God. Thanks be to God.
When John the Baptist first saw Jesus he used behold to describe Jesus on the Cross in John 1:29: Behold—the Lamb of God—who takes away—the sin of the world.
Jesus used the word behold many times. However, the last time Jesus spoke behold was with his 3rd cry when he was on the Cross. His words formed the Cross twice:
John 19:26 The first Cross: Woman—behold—thy—son.
John 19:27 The second Cross: Disciple—behold—thy—mother
The word behold occurs in Jesus’ Witness Cipher Cipher 33 when Jesus begins teaching the parable of the sower using four steps on the Cross. Before teaching it again with 4-ways on the Cross Jesus warns that if one does not SEE (behold the Cross) and hear, one will not get an abundant life, and also what one has will be taken away. Cipher 34
In other words, one gets nothing, when one does not behold the Cross.
Now, jump in, immerse yourself in Jesus’ Witness Cipher and behold the Cross.