Number of the Beast

Cipher 74. The Number of the Beast  (Rev 13:18)

1. WHO? (13:18) Here is wisdom. He
2. WHY a certain man? (13:18) That hath understanding.
3. HOW to find wisdom? (13:18) Let him count.
4. WHAT number? (13:18) the number of the beast.
5. WHEN counted? (13:18) For it is the number of 
6. WHERE? (13:18) humankind: (ἀνθρώπου in Greek source is anthropos)
7. WHICH path? (13:18) And its number is six hundred and sixty and six.

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Commentary: The New Testament was written in Greek where the word for humankind is anthropos. The Greek word anthropos (ανθρωπου) is referenced by Strong’s number 444, which provides the following definition: “Anthropos is a human being, whether male or female used generically, to include all human individuals in order to distinguish man from beings of a different order like animals and plants.”
Scientifically speaking, all life on earth is carbon based, where the atomic image for carbon-12 is 6 electrons, 6 neutrons and 6 protons, if even 666. Biblically speaking the number 666 originates in the spiritual creation when evening, morning and day are counted 666 on the incomplete sixth day, when humankind was created. In this Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls it is written in Genesis 1:26 and 27 that God created humankind. This removes the word man from the spiritual Creation that generates the notion that God is masculine only.