
The HOLY BIBLE Feminine Translation Version Seeks to End Biblical Misogyny

Published by Mark 7 Publishing, April 12 2020, Copyright © JW Farquhar
ISBN 978-0-9796263-8-8
Digital Edition for Ebook readers: Available in Epub, Mobi for Kindle and PDF
6 x 9 Paperback book Available in Black or Pink

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The Holy Bible Feminine Translation Version is a word-for-word translation commonly known as a literal translation. It attempts to provide as close as possible a direct translation of the words themselves. The focus is on accuracy. It is not a popular thought-for-thought translation, where the focus is on readability.

The FTV Bible uses the American Standard Version of 1901 (ASV) for its starting textual base.  The ASV is the product of the work of over 50 Evangelical Christian scholars that has been called “The Rock of Biblical Honesty.”  The goal of the FTV Bible is to carry forward this legacy of biblical Honesty with recognition of the feminine attributes of God as well as His masculine attributes.

The FTV Bible is classified as a study Bible that reveals a timeless phenomenon for deciphering Bible text. It teaches one how to see and visually perceive Scripture through the Cross, which this FTV Bible requires 1,410 times with the word behold. The added human resource of sight incites a new and more complete understanding of Scripture with some unique results—the feminine attributes of God, and the consistency of salvation through the Cross.

This hidden, recurring, phenomenon is timeless, because it has consistently structured Scripture that spans a time period of 6000 years of human history using 40 different human authors. The phenomenon is called Jesus’ Witness Cipher, or simply JW’s Cipher. It is a 77 page decipherment through both Old and New Testaments for reading, deciphering and understanding the Bible, where the Bible interprets itself.  Validated with the discipline of biblical numbers, this timeless Cipher bears witness of a single divine author of the Bible. Although there were 40 different human writers, it illustrates how the Cross is the consistent destination of Seven Spirits of God that answer seven questions in divine order.

Concerning consistency, a fourteen year Bible study has recently ended with a major discovery. Translation of the New Testament gender of the Holy Spirit in traditional Bibles has not been the same as the Old Testament gender. Traditionally the NT Holy Spirit has been translated from Greek to be a neutral gendered Spirit, and/or translated from Latin to be a masculine gendered Spirit. The FTV Bible solves this language induced gender confusion by translating the Holy Spirit to be feminine gendered, which is consistent with the same feminine gender of the Holy Spirit in the OT.

The Feminine Translation Version is a result of interpreting and translating the Bible through the beginning first verse in the Bible. It is an authoritative Foundation Cross that shows the Creator God plus three realms: time, spiritual and physical. Scripture organized through the lens of this Foundation Cross is made visible in the image of the cross.  In contrast traditional Bible interpretation is generally made with a choice of one, or mix, of four speculative methods: literal, allegorical, moral, or mystical.

The discipline of the Cross bears witness to a feminine Most High Holy Spirit of Light at the top of the cross. She is translated in this FTV Bible to be the Heavenly Spiritual Mother of the Son of God, and mother of the children of the Light. The discipline of the complete Cross bears witness to the first mother in the physical Creation at the foot of the Living Cross. She is translated to be from the evening, introduced six times in the spiritual Creation. This mother on earth was introduced by the first man, when the man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living humans. (Gen 3:20) Thus the Living Cross includes all living humans on its foot. All living humans are translated to be children of our Father God through her from whom we are all natural descendants on the foot of the Living Cross. Then the kingdom of heaven will become the kingdom of God, (God of both heaven and earth) just as the Cross of Four Gospels Prophesy.

The divine name of the Almighty is consistently rendered YHWH 6,876 times in this FTV Bible, rather than Jehovah as it appears in the American Standard Version, or rather than LORD as it appears mostly in the King James Bible, and many others. In Greek these letters of God are called the Tetragrammaton that means “consisting of four letters.”  They are four Hebrew letters, Yod, Hey, Waw, and Hey for YHWH written in Hebrew like this: יהוה. pronounced Yahweh.  In this Bible YHWH is the written name of God.

The FTV Bible is two books in one, because humans learn two ways by both hearing and seeing.  One can hear the Bible text when it’s read, but historically there have been no pictures of Scripture in the Bible to see…until now in this FTV Bible. First there is the full Bible text that includes both OT and NT. Behind the Bible text there is a Bible Study section with a cipher-generated 77 page Bible picture tour for reading, deciphering and understanding the Bible. Validated with biblical numbers, Jesus’ Witness Cipher (JWsWitnessCipher77) bears witness of a single divine authorship of the Bible. It illustrates how the cross is the consistent destination of Seven Spirits of God.

Embedded in the cipher is a call to action for the Church. Awaken! Although Jesus is witnessed in the New Testament to be the Son of God, he most often called himself the Son of man. In the four gospels the Son of man, spoken only by Jesus, occurs almost three times more than the Son of God. Jesus was trying to tell us something. Like the Son of man, we on earth are also children of God our Father, natural descendants from His first earthly daughter on the foot of the Cross. Jesus testified to this in Luke 17: 21-22, when he said the Kingdom of God is within us. If the Church accepts this testimony from Jesus, the “Four Gospel Prophecy Cross” will be complete, and the Kingdom of God can finally come to earth as it is in heaven, just as Jesus prayed for in the Lord’s Prayer.


10 thoughts on “Home

  1. The term “T” cross is an oxymoron. It can’t be both.The 4-step cross begins the Bible’s OT (Gen 1:1). The 4 gospel cross begins the NT. Jesus said many times one must take up their own cross to follow him. He did’t say one must pick up their own “Tee.”

  2. God said to Moses…“See that you make all things after the “pattern” that was shown to you on the mountain”…Hebrew 8:5…God does “not” make anything without a “pattern”…Before God made you in your mothers womb, He had a “pattern” in His mind for you…“Before I (God) formed you in the womb I knew you”…Jeremiah 1:5 …He had a “pattern” in His mind before you were even born – your eye color, your hair color and even the number of hairs on your head were formed after God’s “pattern” for you…“the very hairs of your head are all numbered”…Luke 12:7…God also had a “pattern” when He fashioned the cross for the sacrifice of His Son…God is a God of “patterns”; they are a part of His signature for His creation…This book answers the question, what was God’s hidden “pattern” for His Son’s cross?…
    JW Farquhar meticulously uncovers, thus revealing God’s “PATTERN-OF-THE-CROSS”…

  3. James. Thank you for your excellent words. You took the essence of this book and brought it forward from Moses so that even Israel may come to understand and believe God’s repeating Pattern of the Cross.

  4. Joynctinty. In case your silence was caused by the call-to-action above, I added the God is within you Cipher #39 into the on-line list. SEE then the prophecy of how the God of heaven only in Matthew is replaced by God of both heaven and earth in Mark, Luke and John.

    1. Currently there are no samples of the translation on line,other than what is shown in the ciphers. But this is such a good question shortly there will be. They will be the books of Genesis, Matthew and Revelation. Thank you hoshie31. There has always been the complete Bible pdf digital version available at $14 that you could buy before the printed version. Sometimes it is useful to have both print and digital.

  5. Sample pages of the translation are now avilable on line. A link to see the page of Scripture is now an option for each on-line cipher.

  6. I live in the UK and purchase this Bible yesterday. After reading through the sample chapters I knew it was what I was searching for. I couldn’t find a Bible with this kind of authenticity until I downloaded an AI chatbot and explained I wanted to find something authentic with more than just a swap of pronouns and it found this Bible for me straight away. I find that amazing. When I receive my Bible I just know I’m not going to be disappointed.

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