Cipher 35. Authority Through the Baptism Cross (Mat 28:16-20)
1. WHO? (28:16) The eleven disciples went into Galilee where Jesus had appointed them.
2. WHY? (28:17) To find Jesus. They worshipped him; but some doubted.
3. HOW no doubt? (28:18) Jesus said, All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth.
4. WHAT instruction? (28:19) Go ye therefore, and make disciples of (1) all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the (2) Father and (3) Son and (4) Holy Spirit.
5. WHEN? (28:20) I am with you always.
6. WHERE? (28:20) Even unto the end of the world.
7. WHICH way? (28:20) Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you.
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Commentary: Authority to baptize through the cross with all nations (of humans) on the foot is illustrated with two crosses, where the Authority Cross is connected to the All Nations Baptism Cross with the word, therefore. However, one cannot baptize all nations with one baptism, which is the Great Commission Cross. Rather, baptism one by one through the Cross with one’s personal name on the foot yields a Personal Baptism Cross.
Otherwise: And he that doth not take his cross (Personal Baptism Cross) and follow after me, is not worthy of me. Mat 10:38
Whosoever doth not bear his own cross (Personal Baptism Cross), and come after me, cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:27
See how all the nations on the foot of the cross above is from the God of All Flesh, who begins and completes the Baptism Cross. (Cipher 27)
Is there a reason God’s name, the Trinity is not shown here?
It is not there because the word Trinity is not Scripture.
Let me correct you. The Trinity is Christian Doctrine that defines Father, Son and Holy Spirit; God in three persons
The Trinity represents a partial verse that bypasses the authority of the cross. It does not include living humans that make up all nations on the foot of the cross.
That’s silly. Humans are not part of God, especially not sinful living humans.
That is not what Jesus said.
Jesus DID NOT say that.
In Luke 17:20-21 The Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God will come. Jesus answered them and said; “The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say Lo here or there. For lo the Kingdom of God is within you.”
What does within you mean?
The kingdom of God will be within us when we finally recognize that we are all God’s children together with God on the foot of His cross.
How does that happen?
It is written in Genesis 3:20 that Eve, the first human mother in the physical creation, is the mother of all living humans. So, through her we are children of God on the foot of the Cross.
Are you telling me that the kingdom of God is not here yet, because we don’t believe this nonsense?
Not me. Jesus said it. In Matthew he prayed with the Lord’s Prayer that “Thy kingdom come to earth as it is in heaven”, where Thy replacement kingdom includes both kingdom of heaven and God within us on earth to be the complete kingdom of God.
So where does the Trinity stand with all this?
The Trinity depicts God of the kingdom of heaven as God of heaven only—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
That’s ok with me. Show me evidence that the kingdom of heaven must be replaced.
The four gospels form a cross to show evidence of this change. The kingdom of heaven appears only in Matthew on the foot of the cross. It is completely replaced with the kingdom of God in the next three gospels of Mark, Luke and John.
I am done here. It is too risky for me to abandon the Trinity.
You don’t have to abandon the Trinity. YHWH already includes Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is more important that you don’t abandon the Cross that Jesus died on to show us the only way to new life.