The Beginning

Cipher 1. The Beginning: 77 77 77 77 By 7 Spirits of God (Gen 1:1-2:4)

1. WHO? (1:1) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2. WHY? (1:2) And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Holy Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3. HOW did God create it? (1:3) And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4. WHAT spiritual order? (1:4) And God saw the Light, that it was good: (Holy) and God divided Light from darkness.
5. WHEN did God eternalize Light? (1:5) And God called the Light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And there was evening, and there was morning, one day.
6. WHERE was heaven? (1:6-8) And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 
7. WHICH way is good? (1:8) And God called the firmament Heaven.

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Commentary: The Gen 1:1 Cross shows how God is the bridge on the cross that connects Humans on the physical earth to spiritual heaven during the realm of time. This divine theme is carried forward on the Gen 1:5 cross where EVEning is the mother of all living humans on earth, morning is the morning star bridge (the Son) to the Holy Spiritual Light who leads to the first day of God.
The cross of generations above uses the mathematical summation process for day 1 to day 6. On the sixth day there are 21 generations for EVEning, the mother of all living flesh and blood humans (Gen 3:20) There are also 21 generations for Morning, the bright morning star (Rev 2:16) who is Jesus. Together 21 + 21 is 42, the total generations in Matthew 1:17 of Jesus’ (Son of Man) descending genealogy that begins the New Testament. The 7th day 77 is a simple count of evening and morning on the seventh day of the Creation, which is the 4th 77 on Jesus’ genealogy cross. There are 77 Patriarchs counted in the Son of God ascending generations to God in Luke 3:23-38. (Cipher 31) The above double 7 cross is the first of 17 double 7 crosses in the OT and NT that prophecy and validate the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

4 thoughts on “The Beginning

  1. The Creation has been a mystery to me, and still is. Genesis 1:1 is a foundation of what? Whats that got to do with me?

  2. Genesis 1:1 sets up God’s dominion over three realms: time realm, spiritual realm and the physical realm. The Cross illustrates their order to get back to Him. There are humans like you Mark on earth in the physical realm. God is the bridge to heaven above in the spiritual realm, which leads to eternal life in the time realm. Simply put 1 ,2, 3 steps on the cross before the fourth step result.

  3. I see the 1,2,3 order to resulting life in the time realm, but isn’t Jesus the bridge to heaven and after life?

  4. You are absolutely correct Mark. Later in the New Testament Jesus not only replaces God as the bridge to heaven, in John 14:6 he announces that no one comes to the Father except through him. When he was the Son of Man on earth in the physical realm he said:
    1) I AM, 2) the way,(the bridge), 3)the truth in the spiritual realm, and 4)the life in the time realm. Simply put 1 ,2, 3 steps on the cross before the fourth step result—eternal life. Not only that Jesus demonstrated it on the cross. There was day 1 in the grave, day 2, day 3. Then the 4th step result: he arose. What more can a man do?

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