Israel’s Birthright



Cipher 8. Israel’s Birthright Through the Cross (66 to 77) (Gen 48: 5-21)

WHO? (48:5-6) Israel said to Joseph: your two sons, who were born unto you in the land of Egypt before I came unto you into Egypt, are mine; Ephraim and Manasseh, even as Reuben and Simeon, shall be mine.
2. WHY? (48:9 And Israel saidBring them, I pray you, unto me, and I will bless them.
3. HOW blessed? (48:13-14) And Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel’s left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel’s right hand, and brought them near unto him. And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim’s head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh’s head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the first-born.. (Israel’s crossed arms formed a cross)
4. WHAT did Israel do? (48:15-19) And he blessed Joseph, and said, The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk (God of your fathers). Israel also said, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac
5. WHEN? (48:20) And he blessed them that day,
6. WHERE was Ephraim? (48:20)  saying In thee will Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh.
7. WHICH birthright? (48:20) and he set Ephraim before Manasseh.

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Commentary:  The birthright in Hebrew law is normally assigned to the firstborn. Reuben was Jacob’s firstborn and would lawfully be assigned a double portion of inheritance. However, Reuben committed adultery on Jacob’s bed, so Jacob assigned his double portion to Joseph instead. Jacob then adopted both of Joseph’s sons and reassigned the firstborn status to Ephraim the second born instead of Manasseh. Therefore, Ephraim became the firstborn in the line of Israel’s 14 sons, and received the number 7+7 or 77, which is the number of Yeshua who is Jesus Christ. Note that both of Joseph’s sons were half Jewish and half Gentile, because Joseph’s sons were born by a Gentile Egyptian princess. So, the Gentiles are fellow heirs in the promise of Christ Jesus. (Eph 3-6) Also note that The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk is translated to be synonymous with God of your father(s) in Gen 28:13, 43:23, 49:25, Ex 3:6, 3:15, 3:16, and Acts 7:32.

64 thoughts on “Israel’s Birthright

  1. I disagree with your number 14 for the tribes of Israel that results from the adoption of two sons of Joseph.

  2. The two sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim, together are called the two half-tribes of Joseph, and together constitute the tribe of Joseph. Israel’s division of land was based on this. Therefore 12 tribes are still 12.

  3. If it was division of land, why not just give Joseph twice as much land? Joseph was very capable of raising his two sons. There was their mother, plus countless Egyptian servants to help him. His two sons did not have to be adopted. So why did Israel adopt Joseph’s two sons?

  4. I do not have an answer for this. It is written in the Torah, and sometimes Scripture is a mystery.

  5. I think it would be accurate in the continuous sacrifice if the number was 7 + 7, since the 7 sacrifices per week in the morning, plus 7 sacrifices per week in the evening are 7+7, not 77. The same number is for the Sabbath sacrifices.

  6. Let’s stay with 14 while I ask you. Is it logical for God to instruct Israel to worship the sacrifice of two one year old perfect lambs every day forever for the sake of two plots of land given to Joseph’s sons? Or on every Sabbath? Or all of Israel’s annual rituals for the sake of two plots of land?

  7. A one year old lamb is 12 months, which is also 6 months plus 6 months old, which is also distilled to 66, which is also the number of man on earth, which is also the number of original tribes of Israel, which must change to 14, or 77, to include Israel’s Lamb of two witnesses from heaven and earth to bring Israel to heaven.

  8. Numerology is the assignment of numbers to the letters of Hebrew or Greek alphabets that develop some biblical message. Rather, what I show you are God-breathed numbers in the Bible that structure all Scripture.

  9. The Face of God is one example on the first page of your Torah in Gen 1:26 & 27. God created humankind on the sixth day, when the count for evening and morning was 6+6, or 66.

  10. On the sixth day the Creation was incomplete with 66. On the seventh day the Creation was complete, when the count for evening and morning was 77. Likewise when Israel’s tribes were 66, they were incomplete. When Israel’s tribes became 14, or 77, they were complete.

  11. Briefly. The God-breathed numbers in the Bible are spiritual numbers that are non-quantitative, where 14 is also 7+7, or 77, or 7 times 7, just as 666 is also synonymous with 18. Check out the post, “Divine Equivocation.”

  12. Good. Do you see in Cipher 31 the 77s on the Cross of Jesus’ genealogy? In Mat 1:17 the first 3 of 4 are written as 14 + 14 +14 generations.

  13. Rabbi. Four steps of 14 on the savior’s cross of mortal life prophecy 14 on the savior’s cross of spiritual life, who is Israel’s Messiah—Yeshua. If you would look 1 cipher beyond the OT you would see that Yeshua’s cross of generations is numbered exactly like all 12 numbered crosses in the OT, like Noah’s.

  14. Yes. The third cross of Israel was formed when Israel’s arms were crossed to mark Ephraim, the 14th son of Israel, to receive the number 14, which is 77, the number of Israel’s Messiah—Yeshua.

  15. It is the cross of Israel that finishes the 66 tribes of Israel and prophecies the perfect sacrifice of Yeshua numbered 77 on the cross.

  16. I understand. But that’s the point. Israel’s Messiah fulfilled Moses’ Law, and finished it on the Cross. With your king, Israel was to become a kingdom of priests, a holy nation in the world.

  17. It is a Mosaic covenant with God in your Torah, Exodus 19:5-6. Here is 19:6. “And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.”

  18. The fourth son of Israel formed Israel’s first cross, when Judah received Israel’s blessing of a king with the royal scepter.

  19. Of course. There is Israel’s four-mothers cross with Rachel the fourth mother of Joseph her first born. This is like the four-mothers cross of Jesus, that forms the first leg of Jesus’ genealogy numbered in Scripture with 14.

  20. One more thing. It is rare I get a chance to communicate with a Rabbi. Can you give me your opinion of how those OT 30 ciphers sit with you?

  21. I see your seven questions answered by seven Spirits of God that lead to the cross in all the ciphers. I never dreamed of such a thing that pulled it all together as one structured decipherment. Through the cipher I see my God as YHWH, and agree with the feminine Spirit as it is in the OT.

  22. Great. Maybe you could show your Rabbi friends 12 numbered signs on the cross that is complete with 14 and Yeshua in the NT.

  23. I can see 14 tribes of Israel, but I don’t think I could deal with the Trinity as a complete God of Israel. It’s not a word in the OT or NT.

  24. I researched in my TANAKH and found Jeremiah 31:6-9. It is about the Lord our G-d saving the remnant of Israel that ends like this: “For I am ever a Father to Israel, Ephraim is My first-born.”

  25. Welcome back Rabbi. You found Ephraim is the firstborn of God, who is the 14th in the tribe of Israel, who could be the 14th Apostle to your Messiah, or with the number 77 even Yeshua himself. Can you see the cipher? Can you see the Cross?

  26. I now see Ephraim as the first-born of G-g numbered 14th in the tribes of Jacob. Could this be the first-born Gentile in the tribe of Jacob?

  27. Good Question. As the 14th in the tribe of Jacob it is most likely that Ephraim is the firstborn Gentile in the tribe of Jacob. But Jacob was called and named Israel by God. From this perspective the firstborn of Israel is the Son of God, who is your Messiah with the number of 77 and the name of Yeshua.

  28. OK. You said before that the 14th in Jacob’s tribe could mean the 14th apostle to Yeshua. What, or who, then does Manasseh, the first-born of Joseph stand for?

  29. First, there were 12 original tribes of Jacob, just as there were 12 original apostles to the Son of Man on earth, who was Jesus Christ on earth. The next apostle Paul to the Gentiles was Jewish numbered 13th, like Manasseh. Paul was the first apostle to the Son of God in heaven, who was not on earth. It is likely, then, that the next and last apostle to the Son of God will be a Gentile numbered 14th like Ephraim.

  30. I had a vision that the 14th Apostle to the Son of God will in the name of YHWH, for sayeth YHWH, shout out in the crossroads of Judaism and Christianity, gather and save the remnants of Israel from the ends of the earth, in a vast throng, to a level road of 77 where they will not stumble, to the destination foot of the Cross of the Firstborn of Ephraim.

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