The Lord’s Prayer

Cipher 32. The Lord’s Prayer (Mat 6:9-13)

1. WHO are we praying to? (6:9) Our Father who art in heaven
2. WHY are we praying to Him? (6:9) Hallowed be thy name
3. HOW does our prayer get answered? (6:10) Thy kingdom come.
4. WHAT must be done? (6:10) Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
5. WHEN will our prayer be answered? (6:11-12) Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
6. WHERE does this prayer lead us? (6:13) Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
7. WHICH way? (6:13) For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever


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Commentary: That is to say on and through the cross: For thine is the kingdom of God come and done in earth as it is in heaven, and the power of the Most High Holy Spirit of Light, and the glory of the Son, forever the Eternal Father.
1. We pray to our Father, because we are His children as natural descendants from Eve, the mother of all living children of God (Gen 3:20) on the foot of the kingdom of God cross.
2. Why pray to Him? He is holy.
3. Jesus prayed for thy kingdom of heaven in Matthew to come to earth,
4. To be the kingdom of God of both heaven and earth, just as the Four Gospel Cross prophecies. (Ciphers 36 and 39)
5. When we take up our own Personal Baptism Cross daily, we can follow Jesus in Luke 9:23. And he said unto all, If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. (Cipher 44)
6. Where this prayer leads to is the cross.
7.  Which way?  The cross of thine is YHWH God.

4 thoughts on “The Lord’s Prayer

  1. Well now I see how this prayer that I know by heart seems to fall perfectly into this standard order of questions. But I don’t understand how this cross relates to the God I know.

  2. I am glad that the questions and answers make sense to you. Did you know that Jesus spoke with the seven Spirits of God, and when you learned to speak this prayer, you learned to speak with the seven Spirits of God also. Isn’t that neat?
    Anyway as part of those seven questions is the last one, WHICH way, that includes four things like a destination cross. The first thing is The Kingdom of heaven is now on earth on the foot of the cross as Jesus prayed for. Then clockwise is the glory of the Son. At the apex is the power of the Most High Holy Spirit Mother of the Son of God. And then on the right in the time realm is the Eternal Father forever.

  3. Ok. I get it with the glory of the Son, power of the Holy Spirit and Eternal Father forever. But what is this kingdom on the foot of the cross? Another who, or another kingdom like the kingdom of God, or the kingdom of heaven now on earth?

  4. The four Gospel’s Cross prophecy your answer, and Luke 17:20-21 tells you who the who is. Check out Tour item #39 Kingdom of God Come to Earth as in Heaven Jesus Prayed..

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